function verify(url, text){ if (text=='') text='Are you sure you want to delete this comment?'; if (confirm(text)){ document.location = url; } return void(0); } // setup everything when document is ready jQuery(document).ready(function($) { $("#wall_post").css("display","none"); $("#wall_post_toggle").click(function(){ $("#wall_post").slideToggle("fast"); $("#wall_post #comment").focus(); $("#wall_post #author").focus(); }); $('#wallform').ajaxForm({ // target identifies the element(s) to update with the server response target: '#wallcomments', // handler function for success event success: function(responseText, statusText) { $('#wallresponse').html(''+'Thank you for your comment!'+''); $('#submit_wall_post').attr('value', 'Submit'); $("#wall_post").hide("fast"); $("#wall_post #author").attr('value', ''); $("#wall_post #comment").attr('value', ''); $("#wall_post #wpwall_comment").attr('value', ''); } , // handler function for errors error: function(request) { // parse the response for WordPress error if (
(.*)<\/p>/); $('#wallresponse').html(''+ data[1] +''); } else { $('#wallresponse').html('An error occurred, please notify the administrator.'); } $('#submit_wall_post').attr('value', 'Submit'); $("#wall_post #author").attr('value', ''); $("#wall_post #comment").attr('value', ''); } , beforeSubmit: function(formData, jqForm, options) { // clear response div $('#wallresponse').empty(); for (var i=0; i < formData.length; i++) { if (!formData[i].value) { $('#wallresponse').html(''+'Please fill in the required fields.'+'